Dr David Lin
來自 : WENSIU Foundation 文修基金會
註冊 : 2021-05-27
發表文章 : 366
掌聲鼓勵 : 123
來自 : WENSIU Foundation 文修基金會
註冊 : 2021-05-27
發表文章 : 366
掌聲鼓勵 : 123
發表時間 : 2022-11-16 17:36:06
FORM: Logged
Introduction for Dr. David Lin --閱讀人次 : 722 Pastor Dr. David Lin graduated from Logos Evangelical Seminary with MACS, M. Div. (eq.), Th. M., and D. Min. during 2003 to 2013.
His secular talents were raised from Jianguo High School in Science and Math, and gained his Financial and Economics background in the period of NTU (National Taiwan University), and his leadership and theological background was cultivated from 1994 to 2013.
Originally his focus was only over his own church building and propagation of his own ministry and seminary teaching works. God renewed his full time services while his leading tour of the Good Land for the Paris students at the end of 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel.
God exposed him by telling him that whatever he has done is only what he can do and desires to do, but not God wants him to do! At the beginning of 2014, God guided him to focus on the Oneness of the Kingdom of God, and Oneness of the churches of God, propagate such a mission and vision toward the world!
Thereafter, his route was changed to serve the Kingdom of God (KOG) until nowadays!
He was told to lead the KOG (Kingdom of God) teammates to build up the Body of Christ by all the gifted persons (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers... for the perfecting that we will all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, and at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ!)
KOG Go! is just one of their portal APPs for all people to participate in the coming Web 3.0 Applications. The Kingdom teammates work very hard to breakthrough many difficulties in the aspects of ABCDE-IOTS (AI-Artificial Intelligence x Blockchain/NFT/WEB3.0 x Crowd Funding/Cloud Computing x DAO-Decentralized Autonomous Organization/DCEP-Digital Token Electronic Delivery System/DeFi x ESG-SDGs/Exosomes / EV/Energy/Education/EMBA x IOT-Internet of Things/IPFS x O2O-Online to Offline/Metaverse x Techainker/Timebank x SPAC / Security/Split of Finance); They are building up certain Digital Economy Summit platform development to create an ecosystem across domains.
Welcome to participate and serve together for the Kingdom of God with Dr. David Lin's teammates.
林大衛牧師在2003年至 2013年之間, 畢業於 正道神學院 (Logos Evangelical Seminary) 取得了基督教研究碩士, 道碩同等學歷, 神學碩士, 和教牧學博士學位
最初他的注意力只集中在他自己的教會的建造, 和他個人事工和神學教學工作的傳播上。然而神在 2013 年底在以色列耶路撒冷, 他帶領了巴黎的學生們參訪聖地的期間, 更新了他的全新的事工和服事。
神暴露他,告訴他, 他之前所做的只是他能做的、願意做的,不是神要他做的! 2014年初時,神帶領他聚焦在神國度和眾教會的合一上,向全世界宣揚這樣的使命和異象!
此後,他的路線便轉成事奉神的國度 Kingdom of God(KOG)直至今日!
他被告知要帶領所有有恩賜的人(使徒、先知、傳福音者、牧人和教師……)帶領 KOG(上帝的國度)團隊, 一起建立基督的身體……對神兒子的信心和完全的認識,長成的人,滿有基督長成的身量! )
KOG Go!只是他們的入口門戶APP之一,供所有人參與即將到來的Web 3.0應用。國度的團隊非常努力,在ABCDE-IOTS(AI-人工智能 x 區塊鏈/NFT/WEB3.0 x 眾籌/雲計算 x DAO-去中心化自治組織/DCEP-數字代幣電子交付系統)方面攻克重重難關/DeFi x ESG-SDGs/Exosomes / EV/Energy/Education/EMBA x IOT-物聯網/IPFS x O2O-Online to Offline/Metaverse x Techainker/Timebank x SPAC / Security/Split of Finance);他們正在建立某些數字經濟峰會平台開發,以創建跨領域的生態系統。
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林爾文(林大衛)David Lin